Bellas on Mountain Bikes

There are many benefits for our riders and their families from participating in the Bellas programme. Our riders enjoy the fantastic coaching provided by our dedicated coaches. Our riders enjoy the camaraderie and grow friendships that continue after the programme. The riders demonstrate increase confidence and resilience through participating. The amount of mountain biking the riders and their families often increases as a result of being part of the programme. A number of riders have gone on to join mountain bike clubs and participated in organised events or inter school races after they complete the programme. Riders and their families join the coaches and management for organised fun rides. Many of our family report they are riding more often and enjoying the riding more since participating in a Bellas programme.


Bellas objectives are:

  • To provide the opportunity for intermediate age girls to develop as mountain bike riders and individuals in a safe, inspiring, supportive, fun, learning and social environment.
  • To develop confidence, resilience, riding skills, and fitness in the riders.
  • To increase the number of female mountain bike riders.
  • To provide a coach development opportunity for female mountain bike coaches.


Participation Requirements

Bike and Helmet. Each rider will be required to provide a well-maintained mountain bike suitable for riding off-road trails and an approved helmet. If a bike has a warning sticker stating it is not to be ridden off-road it is not suitable for use in the programme. Entry-level mountain bikes are more than suitable for the programme, examples of entry-level type mountain bikes are; the Avanti – Black Thunder or the Scott – Aspect.


Riding Ability. Interested participants need to be able to ride confidently; in a straight line, steer a bicycle both left and right, stop safely and take one hand off the handlebars for a minimum of three seconds to indicate their intent to turn with both the left and right hand.


Rider Information. To ensure rider and group safety and group management parents and guardians will be asked to provide any relevant information for their participant.



The safety of the riders is the first priority of the programme. The programme utilises the Jafakids Mountain Bike Academy; coaching methodology, health and safety and child protection policies. The safety mechanisms employed by the programme are:

  • A coach for each group will carry a first aid kit, whistle and mobile phone during sessions.
  • A coach and at least one other female adult will accompany each riding group.
  • The sessions will be conducted in accordance with the Jafakids Mountain Bike Academy health and safety and child protection policies.
  • All coaches involved in the coaching sessions have completed a police check.
  • Riders are required to be signed into and out of each session. Parents or guardians are to inform the coach if the person picking a rider up will be different from the one that dropped the child off.


Parent / Guardian Participation

Female parents or guardians who are confident riders are encouraged to volunteer to be an assistant to one of our amazing coaches.  If you believe you have the necessary mountain biking ability to ride with a group then please indicate that on the permission slip.


Female parents or guardians are able to follow a riding group but are asked to observe only, but may be asked not to accompany the group if their presence is distracting to their child or other riders.


Male parents or guardians are unfortunately not able to ride with any of riding groups during the coaching sessions.


All parents and guardians who are not riding with the groups are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to go for their own mountain bike ride either as a group or individually.


Code of Conduct

Riders and parents and guardians will be required sign a code of conduct prior to participating in the programme. The code of conduct sets out the expected behaviours to ensure all participants have a safe and positive experience.