Bellas on Mountain Bikes

About us

Bellas is a non-profit volunteer organisation delivering mountain bike programmes for intermediate age girls. Created by a couple of maintain bike coaches wanting to reduce the barriers experienced by female riders becoming mountain bikers. They wanted to enable their own daughters and other girls to become mountain bikers and experience all the benefits that brings. The Bellas concept soon attracted support from within the sport, regional sporting bodies, Cycling New Zealand and sponsors. The first programme was run in 2019 and the second in 2020.


Mike Beale and Bernadette Mark are the management team behind Bellas on Mountain Bikes. Both a cycle coaches with a passion for getting people riding in all its forms. They both love mountain biking and love sharing all the benefits it provides.

Mike is the programme manager, photographer and occasional parent coach.

Bernadette is the programme coordinator and lead coach.

Our contact details are:


Mobile: Mike / Bernadette

Bellas relied on our sponsors, supporting organisations and local business to provide the funding to enable the programmes to be conducted. Are supports and sponsors include:

  • Sport Waitakere
  • Auckland Transport
  • MyRide Westgate
  • Woodhill Mountain Bike Park
  • Cycling New Zealand
  • Jafakids Mountain Bike Academy
  • Department of Cycling, cycling club
  • Harbour Sport